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Building the Eek – Part 1

Having recently moved house and instantly kitted out the new workshop, l fancied building something. Now I will prefix this by saying I’ve not built any models in over 10 years, probably longer if i could be bothered to work it out! So it had to be done, new workshop, new tools, lockdown, boredom etc!

Now I happened to mention this to Niki who quickly said I could build his Eek, if I fancied it. I foolishly said yes before even looking at the kit or really thinking about it.

Some further background for you. The Eek is a kit Niki bought while browsing facebook, also bored, also during lockdown, without really thinking about it. He said “it looked like a laugh“.

What we both didn’t realise is the kit is tiny! Bear in mind we are both currently flying models of around 80″ upwards.

So when he presented me with this box of bits…. I cracked up.

The box of bits!
The full kit

Here’s another picture which really shows this size. That’s my hand in the picture and the tail for the Eek!

Does size really matter?

Once I stoped laughing I thought I better make a start! All the parts pressed out nicely. The ply parts had been laser cut, so far so good.

The fuzz has just two formers and each side is ply. The top and bottom decks are thin balsa that looks like it would break if I sneezed near it.

“It’s bloody tiny mate”

The rudder and tail are just single skin and went on pretty quickly, followed by the removable battery hatch underneath.

Pictured next to the Madness, more on that later

So far so good, and pretty quick to put together. Next up is the wing, slightly more fiddly and complex. I’ll save that for next time round… to be continued. 


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